Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How do you get out of your funk?

Now that the kids are back in school it's starting to get really busy for all of us in this household. Events like baby showers. birthdays, baseball games, weddings, and football games are starting to fill up our calendar.

 First baseball game of the Fall season.

It's exhausting, but I'm really enjoying it! The hardest part is scheduling workouts into my routine.
 My big guy's team won their first game 7-6!

Even though it's been hard juggling my crazy schedule. I've managed to go to the gym at least four days per week.Unfortunately, I'm on a plateau (again) because of it. I haven't been working out as hard as I should be. I'm worried that I'll lose the strength and cardio that Ive worked so hard for during the summer.
 My MMA cardio instructor Natalie on the left, Me in the middle looking HORRIBLE pot workout, and my exercise buddy and friend Jorgina on the right.

My swim session ended at the end of August and I decided to renew it! Swimming has been really good to my joints. My knee has been bothering me ALOT. The Dr. said it's bursitis which means that my knee is inflamed. He basically told me to take ibuprofen and ice it until it heals, but I haven't had any luck. Swimming and spinning seem to be easier on my knee.
 Here's a small preview to what I did last week. I forgot to log my Saturday workout on here and it's not showing my yoga class from last Friday. You can follow me on My Fitness Pal: LizD634.

The MMA gym that I go to for my Strength and Conditioning class has been really good about improvising my workouts, but I feel like I'm not working out as hard as I should be. I'm kind of bummed about that, but I think that if I keep on swimming and spinning along with those other workouts I should be okay.
 Amazing what a little makeup & hair brush can do. LOL.  Showing off my new Body Glove Rash Guard for my swim class. I bought it to cover up parts of my body that I don't want exposed. LOL. It's also keeps me warm when the pool's not warm enough.

The good news is that my run time and sit-ups are improving so I can't be doing TOO bad. I can do 100 sit-ups in 5 minutes and 35 seconds whereas I used to do them in 6 minutes and 6 seconds. It might sound bad to those that are super fit, but that's good for me. I used to run a mile in 16 minutes which is REALLY bad and now I can run a mile in 13 minutes and 33 seconds. It's still not what it should be, but I'm really happy about the improvements that I've made. Now I just need to get out of this funky mood that I've been in this past week. I'm having a hard time shaking it off. I'm really tired...I might need to work on my sleeping habits and look into what I'm eating. Maybe I'm getting sick? Allergies? Dehydrated? I don't know. A friend suggested starting a food journal. Food journals are SUCH A PAIN, but it might be just what I need to get me back into my normal self. A food journal and maybe another visit to the doctor....

How do you get out of your funk?
Funk is such a funny word (random).

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