Friday, November 5, 2010

Day Two: Sonsi FFFweek(end)tm! (Part 2)

Full Figured Fashion Week(end) was a three day event. The event was held at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles, Ca. On Thursday they kicked off the evening with an Open Reception and Silent Auction Fundraiser!

"In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Full Figured Fashion Week(end)™ - Los Angeles opened its fashion celebration with a silent auction charity event, Curves for a Cure: A Celebration of Pink. People were invited to attend, shop, and raise money for cancer research- in style. Proceeds from the Silent Auction were donated to the L.A. Komen for A Cure Foundation".

Unfortunately, I was not able to make it on Thursday, but I heard the event was successful and fun for everyone that attended!  One of the best parts of this event was the photo booth provided by Sonsi!
The second day of Full Figured Fashion Week started with The Voluptuous Woman Company, Inc® presenting “The PLUS Side of Business” - Featuring Successful Businesses that cater to the Plus Size Community.

"The PLUS Side of Business panelists featured presentations from a diverse group of business owners who shared their experiences of running successful businesses that service the plus size woman/man. The panelists shared with the attendees the resources and information that they have used to create and maintain their respective businesses."

I wish I would've made it to the first presentation, but I didn't have a babysitter and would've only been able to make it to the second and third panel discussion. I heard it was extremely informative. I'll have to try and make it next year!

When I arrived to the hotel and walked up to sign-in for the second discussion I ran into a few bloggers. Each beautiful, interesting, and unique in their own way. They didn't know me, but I recognized a few from their blogs. I was extremely excited to introduce myself to them. I knew that a few of them were familiar with my cousins blog. So I introduced myself as Gabi's cousin from Hungry for Fashion!

You could tell by the look on every one's face that they were excited to be there and embraced everyone like family. I loved the VIBE that everyone put out. It just made the event that much more exciting!

Meet Kurvayshus B. (on the right). She was one of the first girls to introduce themselves to me!
Sabrina from Defying My Closet

I wish I had taken more pictures of all the gorgeous girls that I met that night! I met so many wonderful bloggers! I will try to name most of the girls that I met. I'm sorry if I forgot you! Please tell me if I did!

 New and Aspiring Models Panel Discussion/Seminar
I was extremely excited to attend this discussion. I never really thought about modeling, but it had me thinking that maybe I should give it a try! It inspired me to REALLY to get out there and do it!


Sharon Quinn, The ORIGINAL Runway Diva (Plus Model/Singer/Actress/Writer) Star of Mo'Nique's FAT Chance, MTV's MADE, Cash Cab & Throwdown With Bobby Flay and most recently seen on The Style Network's "Ruby"; hosted and moderated the panel discussion.


The Panelists:
  • Fluvia Lacerda (Plus Model - "The Brazilian Bombshell")
  • Madeline Figueroa-Jones (Editor-in-Chief, Plus Model Magazine)
  • Vernetta Jenkins-Collins (Reality TV Producer, Mo'Nique's FAT Chance)
  • Michael Anthony Hermogeno – (Former Head Photographer, Torrid!)
  • Alana Chandler – (Plus Model/Actress, The Janice Dickinson)

The discussion was amazing! The panelists were beyond informative. I never realized I would learn more than what I already knew! The tips and advise made sense. It was a light bulb moment for me!
A funny story: During intermission I had to go to the bathroom (really bad). As I'm standing in line someone comes out of the bathroom stall. It was Kim Coles (most known from "Living Single)! It's really weird but, I keep running into celebrities near bathrooms! I wanted to take a picture with her as she came out, but I thought that would be really awkward. I mean...who does that?! LOL! She probably thought I was strange because I gave her a funny look. The last time I ran into a celebrity I missed my opportunity because of the "bathroom" issue.

I patiently waited until the discussion was over and without hesitation she kindly allowed me to take a picture with her. I LOVE HER! She has a beautiful personality! Thank you so much for taking a pic with me!

The State of the Curvy Community - A Panel Discussion

"Perfectly timed, in the midst of current news in the media, this panel discussion addressed the current state of the plus-size community and the significance of Full Figured Fashion Week(end)™, through the eyes of the industry’s leaders, bringing different perspectives from various experiences and points of view."
All I can say about this discussion is "WOW!" So many points of view about the plus size community. I agreed with some topics, but not all. I do applaud the support and empowerment of the curvy community from the panelists. Thank you for making this possible! More info. can be found on

When we were all done with the discussions for the day I was invited by all these wonderful fashion bloggers to join them for dinner! Of course I would! I never do anything like this! I had so much fun dining with you all! Thanks for the invite! It was such a wonderful experience getting to know all of you! I hope that I can do it again soon!
 Here's a list of all the bloggers I dined with at Chyn King in Los Angeles, Ca.:
To Be Continued...

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