It's time for another night of wine! I surely need it! How about you? I'm sticking with Stella Rosa Rosso this week!
If we were having wine....I'd tell you that I haven't worked since last October because my baby girl wasn't sleeping through the night and hubby and I agreed that I should stay home until she sleeps more. Seven months later and now she only wakes up once at night. It's time for me to pick up a few hours at work. I'm only going to work part time or on-call right now because that's the only way our life will function with three kids. I really enjoyed staying home with the kids, but I feel the need to maintain my nursing skills even if it's working for a few hours.
If we were having wine....I'd tell you that I'm really struggling with my weight loss journey because life with a new baby has completely thrown me off. I'm actually looking into trying out BeachBody, but I still haven't decided yet. In the meantime, I've just been watching what I eat. I'm still working on an exercise schedule. I really want to workout in the morning, but it's really hard when I'm not getting enough rest. It'll be easier when the kids start school and I'm forced to get up. LOL. Right now, it's just a thought. In my heart, I know that someday I will meet my goal.
If we were having wine....I'd tell you that my baby girl just turned SEVEN months! She's getting SO BIG! I can't believe! She just learned how to roll around and she's now able to sit up for a few minutes before falling over. It's really cute! She weighs 22 lbs which is heavy for her, but the Dr. said she's perfectly healthy. I'm not worried about it because I know she will grow out of it just like my boys did. She drinks about 4-5 oz of formula every few hours and I feed her one jar of baby food in the evening so she's nice and full when she goes to bed. Life is good!
If we were having wine....I'd tell you that it feels like I've been going to a party almost every weekend! I love it! It keeps us busy and when it's a kids party the kids are really exhausted by the end of the day. SCORE! This past Friday I went to an adult birthday party with my hubby and it was nice getting out! On Saturday, I went to a Naughty Girl Party and it was wild! Can't go wrong with that kind of party! LOL.
How is everything going with you? Have you ever been to a Naughty Girl Party? Does it seems like their are tons of people born in July?
CHEERS TO YOU! Hope you're having a great evening!
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