A Stranger

That's right! I'm a stranger to veggies (or the other way around). I've added several vegetables to my diet and I feel great! My energy level is going up and I can feel that I'm getting stronger during my workouts!
Yep, playing on my laptop and watching Spongebob with my boys. Love Saturday mornings.
I've been juice fasting, but on Sunday I gave in and had a piece of steak. I think that my body was asking for iron. Right? Not a complete diet fail. It looked so good. I couldn't resist. LOL.
Check out my new jeans that I won through Skinnie Emmie! Courtesy of Eloquii. They fit like a glove! PERFECT! I'll post pics later! ;)
I was on my way to Spinning class and figured it was a perfect time to take a pic of the sun. It sure is bright and sunny in Southern California today. Perfect day to take the kids to the park. :)
Front Door
I found a little visitor hanging out at my front door. We usually see him in the afternoon around our front entry way. The kids caught him a few days ago and let him go after their observation. Maybe he's stopping by to say hi and thank you! LOL.
Tomorrow is Day 10 of February Photo a Day! How are you doing?
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