- I'm still searching for a steady job...
- I've put on 6 pounds since I've moved here...
- I still haven't found a local gym...
- And my internet still isn't on....
The biggest news in my life right now is my mom getting married this past weekend!! I can't believe it!! It still hasn't hit me yet...it's kind of surreal...

The wedding was great!! Most of my family showed up...a little drama, but it all fizzled down in the end. That's one thing with my family...ALWAYS DRAMA. Dumb drama.
The wedding was beautiful and my mom looked gorgeous!! I wish I had my camera, but it's lost in moving box madness. There's still so much to unpack!! Ugh!!
Stay tuned for pictures and more updates....
Okay so your not alone. I gained 5pounds on my trip back to Illinois! Ugh...hate that. Congrats to your mom. She looked so beautiful...wowza:)