Sunday, March 6, 2011

Adventures in Motherhood (Part 1)

Motherhood is an adventure. It is a road to the unknown. An unknown road full of challenges. Challenges that can be expressed in so many ways. IN SO MANY WAYS...
I knew motherhood wouldn't be easy and for a while I thought I was alone. One day I woke up and found that the support between mothers is greater than I ever realized. You just have to go out and find that camaraderie of moms. They're out there. Chicken soup for your soul.
Sometimes you forget that you need that support in your heart to keep you going as a mom. I realized that when I attended Expressing Motherhood.
I was fortunate enough to win tickets to this amazing show courtesy of Monique from Click Latina and Expressing MotherhoodExpressing Motherhood showcased several amazing woman that made me smile, laugh, and cry. Expressing Motherhood is an emotional roller coaster that warmed my heart with each and every story that was told. True stories that only they could tell you about their lives. Stories that were told in so many different ways. ALL MOMS NEED TO SEE THIS SHOW!
When the show was over I met with Director/Producer Lindsay Kavet to thank her for having me attend such an amazing show with a large variety of strong and encouraging woman.  Unfortunately, I was not able to meet Producer Jessica Cribbs, but I am so grateful that they had me their to experience this show.

I LOVE being a mom. Being a mom is a beautiful and honorable thing. It's the other things that make life overwhelming, but just when you think your life is notice that you're not the only one facing hardships. In the's all about embracing your children...your family...and appreciating what you have TODAY.
Great News! The next show has been cast and Expressing Motherhood has a really great opening night, Moms Night Out planned, details are on Expressing Motherhood's  website under Los Angeles. Check it out! You will have tons of fun!!

(To be continued...)

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