Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Recovery Day

By today, I would have already had my surgery. I thought I'd write something ahead of time since I probably won't be up to blogging the day after surgery. I might be drugged up on pain meds!

A little prayer for recuperation:

Father,We thank You for the healings that have come, For the restorations that have been received; For the many prayers that have been heard. In this time of rest and recuperation, help us to keep our eyes on You and not on symptoms.We pray that You will grant, in Your own time and in Your own way, a complete return to that health and strength which is Your will. May we never forget Your mercy nor cease to give thanks as health returns.In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

After I recover, I have so many plans! I hope this will benefit my blog! It's time to move forward and keep life more positive. It really has been a bit depressing lately. So much negativity surrounding us it seems.

I think that's what caught my attention with staying with the topic of Look(ing) Up. Time to turn NEGATIVES into POSITIVE!

Things to look forward to this month:
Mother's Day!!
I love Mother's Day! A day to appreciate and be appreciated!!

Chaos in the Cage!
My hubby has a MMA Cage Fight on May 15th!! He's been training really hard for this! His blog is still pending, I hope to get this going within the next month or two.

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