So here I am in my backyard watching my two beautiful growing boys playing on their bikes. Time flies...I love watching them so interested in life. The curiosity in them is amazing. They're always so eager to learn new things and teaching them about life is great.Especially when they're doing something that you've taught them. I hope that whatever I teach them they can take with them as they grow older. I hope they can utilize their life lessons in a positive way. But isn't that every parents wish. Today...life is great...tomorrow is another day.

We're still house hunting. We didn't get the house that we wanted. The market is crazy right now. Houses are so cheap! Not incredibly cheap, but low enough to catch our attention. We put in another bid. I don't want to jink it so I will stop there. LOL.

I had to drop my courses in school...it's unfortunate, but it's what I had to do due to the economy. My husband needed me to help him and family comes first. I'll finish one day...
But losing weight...gosh...such a struggle...why can't I do it? I will...one day...
One day things will turn up. I call it another test in life. We've had plenty of tests. I think its a reminder of appreciation. To appreciate what we've had and what we have now. We have a healthy family, shelter over our heads, and food on the table. Whenever luxury comes along, we appreciate it, and we know that when it's gone, we still have each other.
Chech out the great views we get in the desert. It took me a while to get used to it, but I LOVE everything about the desert. I love where I live!! Gods amazing creation!! His Art!!
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